In this Post I'm going to show you how to set up and use the quick painter the quick painter is a trimming tool that has a pad a trigger and a fill handle to fill it.
How to Use this Tool
We're going to remove the pad attachment and put the tip of the quick painter into our paint we're gonna depress this trigger pull back on the fill handle then wait for a moment.While that it fills with the paint when it is full we release the trigger we are gonna wipe it off the excess paint from the fill tube and now we can put the pad attachment back on I like the pad attachment opposite of the trigger.
And I'll show you why there is little air in here so we will want to purge that and what we will do is we will want to hold a rag in front of it and we'll push the trigger.
And you'll hear that air come out and now we're ready to go you can see the paint is coming out beginning to come out with the holes.
Now we're going to use the quick painter to cut in along this window to do that I'm going to put the edge there's a guide on the edge of the pad here right up against the trim on the window.
Now we're going to use the quick painter to cut in along this window to do that I'm going to put the edge there's a guide on the edge of the pad here right up against the trim on the window.
I'm gonna give the trigger a little push to feed a little paint as I do that I'm gonna move it up and down to work the paint into the pad now is I need a little paint.
I'll give the trigger a push I'm just working it in we can cut it right up to the edge of the window and after that edging is complete we can remove the pad attachment by depress the trigger and also return unused paint back into the can this will save the paint and also speed cleanup.
Cleaning this Tool
Now we are ready to clean up I have a wash tub with some of the warm soapy water here I am gonna put the pad attachment in and let that silk'n we'll rinse that out next.I amm going to show you how to clean up handle we are going to hold that trigger and pull water up into its handle and give it a shake to help loosen the paint.
Then press the trigger to discharge the water we're going to change the water rinse out the pad and then we can drive everything off and reassemble it and we'll be ready for an excuse.
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